Termite Swarm Season CT … What do they look like?
Termite swarming in CT takes place on warm, sunny days usually in the Spring. The swarm is made up of reproductive termites. Future king and queen termites rush out of the ground and pair up. These reproductives, have two pairs of wings that are about twice as long as their bodies. The four wings are all the same size, and fall off soon after emergence. The presence of wings in a basement or other area of your CT home is an indication of termite activity.
Termite colonies form when the king and queen, mate and find a suitable location to start a family. Swarming within a structure will not lead to colony formation in most instances. Termite colonies develop slowly and may not survive the first few years if conditions are unfavorable.
Pest Control CT: Website Change Over
We have just updated our Pest Control Website to match the rest of our branding. It now contains a blog format where we can keep you up to date on the latest pest control news throughout CT.
Termite season is coming upon us! Would you know it if you had them? Do you know how to detect the signs of termites? Here is what to look for:
CT Carpenter Bees and the Damage they Cause
CT Carpenter Bees and the Damage they Cause. Carpenter bees nest in unfinished wood causing damage to both structure and appearance. Though each nest may only extend 6 to 12 inches, multiple bees may work in the same area and expand on old nest tunneling systems.
Over time these hollow spaces may encourage water damage, reduce structural integrity, and in some cases attract wood peckers. Once enough damage has been sustained, costly repairs must be made. Carpenter bees are found throughout Connecticut. They resemble bumble bees, with less hair on the abdomen.
The carpenter bee we find in CT is known as Xylocopa virginica virginica. Both males and females are large and black, marked with areas of yellow hair. Compared to bumble bees, carpenter bees are almost bald, exhibiting a metallic shine, males have a yellow spot located on the head between the large, clearly visible eyes.